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Cohesion Fund (CF) - (European Structural and Investment Funds)

Target group
Government, Cities, Communities & NGOs
Type of funding
Grant, Lump Sum, Loans & Investments
Project type
Research, Innovation, Growth, Infrastructure
Energy, Environment & Climate Action, Innovation, International Cooperation, Partnerships with Industry & MS, Transport
Info last updated 8 months ago


Aimed at Member States whose Gross National Income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90 % of the EU average. It aims to reduce economic and social disparities and to promote sustainable development


Allocates a total of € 63.4 billion

Official information source




European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)

Over half of EU funding is channelled through the 5 European structural and investment funds (ESIF). They are jointly managed by the European Commission and the EU countries. The purpose of all these funds is to invest in job creation and a sustainable and healthy European economy and environment. 


Cohesion Fund (CF)

The Cohesion Fund provides support to Member States with a gross national income (GNI) per capita below 90% EU-27 average to strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU.

The Cohesion Fund supports investments in the field of environment and trans-European networks in the area if transport infrastructure (TEN-T).

For the 2021-2027 period, the Cohesion Fund concerns Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

37% of the overall financial allocation of the Cohesion Fund are expected to contribute to climate objectives.

The Cohesion Fund finances programmes in shared responsibility between the European Commission and national and regional authorities in Member States. The Member States' administrations choose which projects to finance and take responsibility for day-to-day management.

Full text of the Cohesion Fund regulation on Eur-Lex

Cohesion Fund 2014-2020



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