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European Innovation Council (EIC) fund

Target group
Type of funding
Equity financing
Project type
Innovation, Growth, Start
Info last updated 3 months ago


The EIC Fund will manage the equity investment, offering the opportunity for private investors to co-fund in highly innovative companies.


provide equity from €0.5m to €15m opens funding opportunities worth over €1.6 billion in 2023

Official information source




European Innovation Council (EIC) fund

Backing visionary entrepreneurs

The EIC is Europe’s flagship innovation programme to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations

About the EIC

About the European Innovation Council

The EIC is Europe’s flagship innovation programme
to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies
and game changing innovations

EIC Work Programme 2023

Who we are

The European Innovation Council (EIC) has been established under the EU Horizon Europe programme. It has a budget of €10.1 billion to support game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs.

Find out about EIC funding opportunities

The strategy and implementation of the EIC is steered by the EIC Board, which has independent members appointed from the world of innovation (entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, corporates and others from the innovation ecosystem).

The EIC and SME Executive Agency responsible for supporting the EIC Board and its President, and for implementing the EIC’s activities which are set out in an annual EIC Work Programme.

The European Commission adopted the 2023 work programme of the European Innovation Council.

It opens funding opportunities worth over €1.6 billion in 2023 for breakthrough innovators to scale up and create new markets.

EIC 2023 Work Programme


Get funding & investment


EIC Pathfinder

Support to research teams to research or develop an emerging breakthrough technology


EIC Transition

Building on promising research results to demonstrate and mature the technology and develop business plans for specific applications


EIC Accelerator

Funding and investments through the EIC Fund for individual start-ups and small companies to develop and scale up game changing innovations


Get recognition

Get recognition

EIC Prizes

Take the challenge and compete for an EIC Prize which rewards Europe's leading innovators

Go to EIC Prizes


Invest with us

Invest with us

Investment opportunities with EIC

The EIC Fund is looking for investment partners - Learn how to invest with the European Innovation Council  and check the Investment Guidelines.



Support for EIC beneficiaries

Get support

Business Acceleration Services

Benefit from a wide range of services: access to coaches, mentors, access to global partners & innovation ecosystem.



EIC advisers and collaborators


EIC Board

Meet the leading innovators who advise the EIC on its overall strategy and performance


EIC Programme Managers

Meet our first in-house experts who head EIC support in various portfolios such as health, digital, green-deal, space, construction or technology


EIC Ambassadors

EIC ambassadors act as a voice for the EIC in the Member States, and provide feedback from all corners of the innovation ecosystem


EIC Jury Members

The EIC draws on a wide range of external advice and expertise in order to select the most promising projects and companies and to support them

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Projects funded by the EIC

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