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European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) - (European Structural and Investment Funds)

Target group
SMEs, Large Enterprises, Government, Cities, Communities & NGOs, Knowledge Centers
Type of funding
Grant, Loans & Investments
Project type
Research, Innovation, Growth, Infrastructure
Environment & Climate Action, Food & Healthy Diet, Funding Researchers, Innovation, International Cooperation, Oceans and seas, Partnerships with Industry & MS, SMEs
Info last updated 6 months ago


Fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020


For 2021-2027, the budget is €6.11 billion

Official information source




For Flanders please also refer to Departement Landbouw & Visserij: EFMZV

Linkt to VLEVA funding guide: https://www.vleva.eu/nl/programma/europees-fonds-voor-maritieme-zaken-en-visserij-efmzv


About the programme

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2021-2027.

The fund

  • helps fishers transitioning to sustainable fishing
  • supports coastal communities in diversifying their economies
  • finances projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts
  • supports sustainable aquaculture developments
  • supports the implementation of the maritime policy

The new EMFAF particularly supports small-scale coastal fisheries, young fishers and outermost regions, as well as the promotion of sustainable aquaculture. It also aims to make it easier for applicants to access financing while improving results.

The fund is governed by the Common Provisions Regulation.

Programme web site

Programme duration


Lead Directorate-General

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Predecessor programme

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)


Funding opportunities

Calls for proposal

Check the open and upcoming calls for proposal under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund:

See calls for proposal


How to apply

Learn how to propose a project, and how the project selection process works.


Impact and performance

Funded projects and results

Recipients of EU funding


Budget and performance

Includes performance highlights, key performance indicators, and the performance framework and assessment.


Programme features

Management mode

Shared and direct management


Climate contribution

30% (target)


Total budget 2021-2027

€ 6.11 billion (current prices)



Natural resources and environment

Legal texts and factsheets.

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