European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) - (Decentralised Agencies)
Official information source
The EU Space Programme
The EU Space Programme is the first integrated space programme created by the European Union to support its space policy, address societal challenges such as climate change and technological innovation, support the EU internal market – and more.
Today, that programme consists of several flagship components.
Copernicus is the EU's Earth Observation programme, monitoring our planet’s environment. Its services draw information from satellites and in-situ (non-space) data.
The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) increases the accuracy of GNSS signals and provides a crucial integrity message informing users in the event of signal problems.
Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Galileo provides accurate, reliable and precise positioning, navigation, timing and safety services to over 4 billion users worldwide.
Secure Satellite Communications enable security- and safety-critical missions and operations, including crisis management, land and border surveillance and protection of the key infrastructure.
Space Situational Awareness (SSA) refers to the knowledge of the space environment, including the location and function of space objects and space weather phenomena.
EU Space & Security
Within its security role, EUSPA is in charge of the operational security, security monitoring and security accreditation of the EU Space Programme.
EU Space Market & Users
The market adaption of technologies based on EU Space technology and data is growing fast, with EUSPA linking the user needs and requirements to this expanding domain.