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European Urban Initiative (EUI)

Target group
Cities, Communities & NGOs
Type of funding
Project type
Innovation, Networking, Dissemination
Environment & Climate Action, Innovation, International Cooperation, Security, Social Sciences and Humanities, Society, Transport, Culture & Creativity
Info last updated 8 months ago


The EUI is a new instrument supporting the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy in 2021-2027


A dedicated ERDF budget of €450 million - In the programming period 2021-2027, a minimum of 8% of the ERDF resources in each Member State must be invested in priorities and projects selected by cities

Official information source




European Urban Initiative

The European Hub for sustainable urban development



With a dedicated ERDF budget of €450 million, the EUI is a new instrument supporting the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy in 2021-2027. In the programming period 2021-2027, a minimum of 8% of the ERDF resources in each Member State must be invested in priorities and projects selected by cities themselves and based on their own sustainable urban development strategies.

Beyond innovation, the EUI supports the capacities of all urban areas across Europe. It provides evidence for policymaking and sharing knowledge on sustainable urban development, including via the Urban Agenda for the EU.



About the European Urban initiative

We support urban areas of all sizes with innovative actions, capacity and knowledge building, policy development and communication on sustainable urban development.

Innovative actions (IA)

We provide opportunities for cities, as enablers of innovation, to take the risk and turn ambitious and creative ideas into pilot projects that can be tested in real urban settings.

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The missions of the initiative

  • We propose capacity building
  • We fund innovative actions in cities
  • We provide knowledge and foster exchanges of experiences
  • We empower cities for sustainable urban development in Europe


Capacity Building

Calls for proposals

Funding opportunities Read our Capacity Building offer

Launch of the Calls Read more

Info sessions  Support to applicants


Urban Agenda for the EU

Working together for better cities

The UAEU represents a new multi-level working method, for urban policy and practice, promoting cooperation between Member States, cities, the European Commission, and other stakeholders.

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