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Internal Security Fund (ISF)

Target group
Government, Cities, Communities & NGOs, Knowledge Centers
Type of funding
Grant, Networking, No direct funding
Project type
Research, Infrastructure
International Cooperation, Security
Info last updated 9 months ago


The Fund will contribute to reach a high level of security in the EU, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, serious and organised crime and cybercrime.


EUR 1.93 billion for the period 2021-2027 EUR 3.8 billion for the period 2014-2020

Official information source




Internal Security Fund (2021-2027)


The Internal Security Fund (ISF) is set up by Regulation (EU) 2021/1149 of the European Parliament and of the Council on 7 July 2021 for the period 2021-27, with a total budget of EUR 1.93 billion. The Fund will contribute to reach a high level of security in the EU, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, serious and organised crime and cybercrime, by assisting and protecting victims of crime, and by preparing for, protecting against and effectively managing security-related incidents, risks and crises.


The three ISF objectives

ISF will pursue three specific objectives:

  • to increase the exchange of information among and within the EU law enforcement, and other competent authorities and relevant EU bodies, as well as with non-EU countries, and international organisations
  • to intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, among and within the EU law enforcement and other competent authorities, in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with a cross-border dimension
  • to support efforts to strengthen capabilities to combat and prevent crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as manage security-related incidents, risks and crises, in particular through increased cooperation between public authorities, civil society and private partners across the Member States


Funded actions under ISF

Concrete actions to be funded through ISF can include a wide range of initiatives, such as:

  • the purchase/procurement of ICT systems, and associated training, testing as well as their improved interoperability and data quality
  • monitoring of the implementation of EU law and policy objectives in the Member States in the area of security information systems
  • operations implementing or facilitating the implementation of the EU Policy Cycle/EMPACT (European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats)
  • support to thematic or cross-theme networks of specialised national units to improve mutual confidence, exchange and dissemination of know-how, information, experiences and best practices, pooling of resources and expertise in joint centres of excellence
  • education and training for relevant law enforcement and judicial authorities and administrative agencies


Implementation of the Fund

ISF will be implemented under:

The largest share will be allocated to the national programmes under shared management.


Thematic Facility

Building up on the implementation of the 2014-2020 ISF-Police instrument, the Fund will introduce more flexibility with part of the funding dedicated to a Thematic Facility.  With this instrument, funds can be allocated to emerging or unforeseen needs and steered towards the changing EU priorities and evolving challenges.

Funding under the Thematic Facility will be allocated during the programming period through:

  • Shared management
  • Direct/Indirect management: including Union Actions and Emergency Assistance through international organisations

Union Actions comprise Calls for proposals, procurement, direct awards and delegation agreements.

For the components of the Thematic Facility, the Commission approves Work Programmes defining the priorities and objectives:

2021-2022 Work Programme

Revised 2021-22 Work Programme (non-substantial)

Second revised 2021-22 Work Programme (non-substantial)

Third revised 2021-22 Work Programme (non-substantial)

Fourth revised 2021-22 Work Programme (non-substantial)

Fifth revised 2021-22 Work Programme (non-substantial)

2023-2025 Work Programme

First revised 2023-2025 Work Programme (non-substantial)


The Fund’s beneficiaries

Examples of beneficiaries of the programmes implemented under this Fund can be:

  • state/federal police
  • customs and other specialised law enforcement services (including national cybercrime units, anti-terrorism and other specialised units)
  • local public bodies
  • non-governmental organisations
  • international organisations
  • Union agencies
  • private and public law companies
  • networks
  • research institutes and universities


Eligible countries

To be eligible for Union financing under ISF, legal entities have to be established in:

(i) a Member State (except Denmark – see below) or an overseas country or territory linked to it;

(ii) a third country listed in the work programme as part of a consortium composed of at least two independent entities, at least one of which is established in a Member State;

In addition, legal entities created under Union law or any international organisation relevant for the purposes of the Fund are also eligible. Natural persons are not eligible for Union financing.



In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 22 on the position of Denmark, annexed to the Treaty of the European Union (TEU) and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), Denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this Regulation and is not bound by it or subject to its application.

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