The Youth Employment Initiative - (YEI) - (European Structural and Investment Funds)
Official information source
European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
Over half of EU funding is channelled through the 5 European structural and investment funds (ESIF). They are jointly managed by the European Commission and the EU countries. The purpose of all these funds is to invest in job creation and a sustainable and healthy European economy and environment.
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)
The Youth Employment Initiative helps Member States respond to high level of youth unemployment by supporting tailored measures to integrate young people not in employment, education or training into the labour market. The initial total EU budget of the YEI consisted of EUR 6.4 billion for two years: EUR 3.2 billion from the specific budgetary allocation for the YEI which is displayed on this page and at least EUR 3.2 billion corresponding ESF support. The Youth Employment Initiative resources were increased by EUR 1.2 billion, matched by EUR 1.2 billion of existing funding from the European Social Fund, thus bringing the overall EU resources of the YEI for 2014-2020 up to 8.8 billion.
An aggregated presentation of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 (ERDF / ESF / CF / YEI) is available on this page